MAP at Pro qm Thematische Buchhandlung, Berlin

Thanks to Verena Brehm from Cityförster, MAP is now available Berlin. Pro qm was founded in 1999 and has established itself internationally as a specialised bookstore and venue for interdisciplinary debates concerning urban research, pop culture, design, architecture theory and artistic practice. Pro qm received the Form Award for Best Design Bookstore, ran together with b_books the Documenta 12 bookstore and opened in 2009. Muzeum Pro qm at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. It is a privilege that the first  bookstore to sell MAP in Germany is Pro Qm, come by for a visit!

Pro qm
Almstadtstraße 48-50
D-10119 Berlin
Tel. 030.2472852-0
Fax 030.2472852-1

1 comment:

  1. Info is implausible, I would want to see more and more from your writers.
